Maximize Natural Light and Energy Efficiency with Velux Skylights


Homeowners seeking ways to improve their living spaces often overlook the potential of enhancing natural lighting and energy efficiency by installing skylights. Velux skylights, a globally recognized brand associated with quality and innovation, have helped transform homes by bringing daylight and fresh air indoors while improving the overall energy profile. As the leading residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, J. Carnes & Son Roofing is dedicated to assisting homeowners in understanding the benefits of adding Velux skylights to their properties and ensuring seamless, professional installation and maintenance.

Velux skylights not only elevate the aesthetics of your home but also offer an array of practical advantages, making them a worthwhile investment. By brightening interiors with abundant natural light, these skylights help create a sense of openness and enhance the overall living environment. Furthermore, Velux skylights feature cutting-edge materials and technologies that ensure optimal energy efficiency, potentially lowering energy costs and reducing environmental impact.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the various benefits of installing Velux skylights in your home, such as improved aesthetics, enhanced natural lighting, and energy efficiency. Additionally, we will discuss how to choose the right type of skylight for your needs, as well as the importance of proper installation and maintenance to keep your skylights functioning optimally for years to come. Trust J. Carnes & Son Roofing to guide you through the process of selecting, installing, and maintaining Velux skylights, ensuring that your home captures these valuable benefits.

The Magic of Velux Skylights: Benefits for Your Home

Homeowners seeking to enhance their homes with Velux skylights can enjoy several potential benefits:

1. Natural Light: Velux skylights brighten up interiors and maximize natural light, creating a welcoming and spacious environment that can improve mood and overall well-being.

2. Energy Efficiency: Cutting-edge materials and technologies in Velux skylights improve insulation and decrease heat transfer, reducing energy consumption and costs.

3. Ventilation: Some Velux skylight models offer built-in ventilation, helping to maintain optimal indoor air quality by improving air circulation and reducing excess humidity.

4. Aesthetics: The sleek, modern design of Velux skylights can elevate the appearance of your home’s interior and exterior, adding a touch of sophistication to your living spaces.

Selecting the Right Velux Skylight Type for Your Home

Velux offers a wide range of skylight types to suit your unique needs and preferences. Consider the following options:

1. Fixed Skylights: Ideal for areas where ventilation isn’t required, fixed skylights provide ample natural light without the capability to open or close.

2. Venting Skylights: These skylights can be opened manually or with a remote control to provide fresh air and improved air circulation throughout your home.

3. Solar-Powered Skylights: Harnessing solar energy to operate, these innovative skylights require no electrical wiring, offer built-in rain sensors, and are eligible for a federal tax credit.

4. Roof Windows: More than just a skylight, roof windows are designed to be accessible and can function as a point of egress in case of emergencies. They require a low, easily reachable installation point, making them perfect for attic or loft conversions.

Consider factors such as your home’s layout, local climate, and desired functionality when selecting the best Velux skylight type for your property.

Proper Installation: The Key to Lasting Performance

The effectiveness and longevity of your Velux skylights depend on professional installation. Partnering with a reputable roofing contractor like J. Carnes & Son Roofing guarantees seamless integration of your new skylights into your home. Keep in mind these critical factors for successful installation:

1. Correct Sizing: Your contractor will need to carefully measure your roof and desired skylight location to ensure a perfect fit, minimizing any risk of leaks or structural issues.

2. Weatherproofing: Properly installing flashing and sealants around your skylight edge is crucial to preventing water infiltration and damage.

3. Insulation: Correct insulation techniques around the skylight help minimize heat transfer, contributing to the overall energy efficiency of your home.

4. Safety Compliance: Adhering to local building codes, safety guidelines, and Velux’s installation specifications is essential for a secure and compliant installation.

Caring for Your Velux Skylights: Maintenance Tips

With proper care and maintenance, your Velux skylights can provide years of reliable performance. Follow these maintenance tips to protect your investment:

1. Regular Cleaning: Keep your skylights clean by wiping their interior and exterior surfaces with a soft cloth and soapy water or non-abrasive glass cleaner. For hard-to-reach locations, consider using a telescopic window cleaner.

2. Inspection: Periodically inspect your skylights for damage to glass, frames, seals, or flashing. Address any issues promptly to prevent potential damage and maintain optimal performance.

3. Weather-Related Checks: Following extreme weather events, like heavy rain or snow, check your skylights for signs of water leaks, drafts, or debris buildup.

4. Professional Maintenance: Schedule regular inspections and maintenance with an experienced roofing contractor like J. Carnes & Son Roofing to ensure your Velux skylights remain in peak condition.


Velux skylights offer a transformative solution for homeowners seeking to elevate their living spaces with abundant natural light, improved energy efficiency, and enhanced aesthetics. By choosing the right type of Velux skylight for your home and ensuring professional installation and maintenance, you can enjoy years of reliable performance and reap the numerous benefits that skylights provide.

At J. Carnes & Son Roofing, the leading residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, our team is ready to assist you in selecting, installing, and maintaining Velux skylights that best meet your needs. Contact us today to discuss your Velux skylight project and experience the difference that comes with trusting the professionals at J. Carnes & Son Roofing.

A Guide to Choosing the Best Velux Skylight for Your Space


Adding Velux skylights to your home presents a wonderful way to bring natural light into your living space. Skylights can make rooms feel larger and more inviting while also providing ventilation. When it comes to choosing skylights, Velux is a trusted brand known for its quality and variety. It’s essential to understand the different types of Velux skylights available so you can select the one that best meets your needs.

Proper installation of Velux skylights is crucial for their performance and longevity. Incorrect installation can lead to leaks and inefficient energy use. By following some straightforward installation tips, you can ensure your skylights function as intended. Regular maintenance is another key aspect to consider, as it helps in extending the life of your skylights and keeping them efficient.

Velux skylights offer a range of features that can enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your home. From ventilating models to fixed skylights, there are many options to fit different room requirements and personal preferences. Understanding these options and how to care for your skylights properly will help you make the most of this valuable home addition.

What Makes Carlisle-Certified Rubber Roofing Unique?

Carlisle-certified rubber roofing stands out for its exceptional durability and long lifespan. Made from high-quality ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber, these roofs are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, snow, and UV radiation. This flexibility allows the roofing material to expand and contract with temperature changes without cracking or becoming damaged. This makes it an excellent choice for homes in areas with varied climates.

Another unique feature is its environmental benefits. The rubber used in these roofs often includes recycled materials, which makes it a more eco-friendly option compared to many traditional roofing materials. Additionally, the dark color of the rubber can help to absorb heat, potentially reducing heating costs during colder months. Carlisle-certified rubber roofing is also known for its straightforward maintenance needs, as its surface naturally resists the growth of moss and algae.

Top Benefits of Rubber Roofing for Your Home

Rubber roofing offers several benefits that can make a significant difference for homeowners. One of the primary advantages is its longevity. A properly installed and maintained rubber roof can last over 50 years. This longevity means fewer replacements and repairs, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Rubber roofing is also incredibly waterproof. The EPDM material is naturally resistant to water, which helps prevent leaks and water damage inside the home. This is especially important for regions that experience heavy rainfall. Moreover, rubber roofs are known for their resistance to fire, which adds an extra layer of safety to your home. Their fire-resistant nature provides peace of mind, knowing that the material helps to slow the spread of flames in the unlikely event of a fire.

Furthermore, rubber roofing is easy to install and repair. Any damage that does occur can be patched up easily without requiring extensive work. The simplicity of its upkeep combined with its durability makes rubber roofing a practical and reliable option for homeowners looking to invest in a long-lasting roof.

Installation Tips for Optimal Skylight Performance

Installing Velux skylights requires precision and attention to detail to ensure optimal performance. We believe that following key installation tips can make a significant difference in the efficiency and longevity of your skylight. Firstly, selecting the right location is crucial. The skylight should be positioned to maximize natural light while minimizing heat gain. Factors like roof orientation and surrounding structures play a major role in determining the best spot for installation.

Another critical aspect is ensuring that the skylight is properly sealed. Proper sealing prevents water leaks and improves energy efficiency by minimizing heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer. We recommend using high-quality flashing and sealant materials to provide a durable barrier against the elements. Proper insulation around the skylight frame is also essential to prevent air leaks that could affect indoor climate control.

Maintaining Your Velux Skylight for Longevity and Efficiency

Once a Velux skylight is installed, regular maintenance is necessary to keep it functioning efficiently and to extend its lifespan. We suggest starting with routine cleaning, both inside and out. Dust and debris can accumulate on the skylight, affecting light transmission and potentially causing wear over time. Use a soft cloth and mild soap solution to clean the glass and eliminate any buildup.

In addition to cleaning, periodically inspect the flashing and seals around the skylight. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or gaps, which could lead to water intrusion or air leaks. If any issues are found, they should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage. Lubricating the moving parts of any operable skylights ensures smooth operation and reduces strain on the mechanisms.


Choosing, installing, and maintaining Velux skylights can greatly enhance the comfort and efficiency of your home. Proper installation ensures that your skylights perform well, while regular maintenance keeps them in top condition. By following the tips provided, you can maximize the lifespan and benefits of your skylights, bringing more natural light into your living spaces and potentially lowering energy costs.

If you’re looking for reliable skylight installation contractors, don’t hesitate to contact J. Carnes & Son Roofing. Our experienced team is here to help you make the most of your investment in Velux skylights. Let us guide you through the process and ensure your skylights are installed and maintained to the highest standards. Reach out today for expert advice and service!

Velux Skylights: Transform Your Home with Natural Light

skylight installation

Velux skylights offer a dynamic way to brighten your home’s interior, delivering an influx of natural light while enhancing the overall ambiance of your living spaces. As the leading and most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, we understand the transformative power of Velux skylights in elevating your indoor environment.

Natural light not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of your home but also contributes to improved well-being and energy efficiency. With Velux skylights, you can harness the power of sunlight to illuminate your rooms, reduce energy costs, and create a bright and inviting atmosphere. Velux has long been an industry leader in producing high-quality, energy-efficient skylights designed to withstand the test of time and the elements. By upgrading to Velux skylights, you can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of natural light while also making an eco-friendly, cost-effective investment in your home.

With countless design options, finding the perfect skylight for your home’s unique aesthetic and functional needs has never been easier. From traditional venting skylights to innovative solar-powered models, Velux offers an extensive range of skylights to suit any taste or budget. And, by seeking professional installation and following proper maintenance guidelines, homeowners can ensure their skylights provide lasting value and enjoyment.

So, let’s delve deeper into the benefits and design possibilities of Velux skylights, equipping homeowners with the knowledge and inspiration needed to transform their homes with natural light.

Benefits of Installing Velux Skylights

Integrating Velux skylights into your home design offers a host of advantages, including:

1. Increased Natural Light: Velux skylights brighten rooms by allowing sunlight to pour in, significantly reducing the need for artificial lighting and creating a more pleasant living environment.

2. Improved Energy Efficiency: By utilizing natural sunlight, Velux skylights can reduce energy consumption and lower your electricity bills, contributing to a more eco-friendly and cost-effective home.

3. Enhanced Indoor Air Quality: Some Velux skylight models offer built-in ventilation systems that introduce fresh air into your home, promoting a healthier indoor environment.

4. Architectural Appeal: Velux skylights can add a unique and stylish design element to your home, increasing its visual appeal and potentially boosting property value.

Explore Velux Skylight Design Options

With a wide range of design options available, there’s a Velux skylight for every home:

1. Venting Skylights: Also known as opening skylights, these models can be manually or electrically operated to allow fresh air into your living spaces.

2. Fixed Skylights: These non-opening skylights are designed simply to introduce natural light, making them ideal for hard-to-reach areas where ventilation is not required.

3. Solar-Powered Skylights: A cutting-edge option, solar-powered skylights harness the sun’s energy to operate motorized venting systems, maximizing energy efficiency and convenience.

4. Roof Windows: These skylights offer additional access to balconies or roof decks, functioning as both a window and a skylight to provide ample light and ventilation.

Expert Installation for Lasting Performance

Proper installation is critical to the performance and longevity of your Velux skylights:

1. Consider Your Roof’s Orientation: Consult with a professional roofing contractor to determine the optimal placement and installation method for your skylight, taking into account your home’s structure, roof pitch, and sun exposure.

2. Choose the Right Flashing: Proper flashing is essential in preventing leaks and ensuring your skylight’s performance. Velux offers an array of flashing options tailored for specific roof types and materials.

3. Insulation and Weather Resistance: Work with an experienced installer to guarantee your Velux skylight is adequately insulated and weatherproofed, minimizing the risk of condensation, drafts, and water damage.

4. Consult Local Building Codes: Before undertaking any skylight installation, ensure you abide by local building codes and regulations to avoid potential fines or future issues.

Maintaining Your Velux Skylights

Regular maintenance is key to getting the most from your Velux skylights:

1. Glass Cleaning: Clean the exterior glass of your skylight every six months using a mild soapy solution and a non-abrasive cloth or sponge. For interior cleaning, use a standard glass cleaner.

2. Gasket Inspection: Check the rubber gaskets around your skylight for any cracks or deterioration, and replace them as needed to maintain a proper seal.

3. Lubricate Moving Parts: For venting skylights, lubricate the opening mechanism and hinges annually to ensure smooth operation.

4. Inspect for Debris: Regularly inspect your skylight for leaves, branches, and other debris that can obstruct daylight or damage the skylight. Remove any debris promptly to maintain optimal performance.


By investing in Velux skylights, homeowners can transform their living spaces with natural light, improve energy efficiency, and elevate their home’s architectural appeal. By understanding the benefits and design options of Velux skylights and by following proper installation and maintenance practices, you can enjoy your skylights’ lasting value and performance.

As a trusted residential roofing contractor, we are here to help you design and implement the perfect Velux skylight solution for your home. Contact our team of New Hampshire roofers today to discuss your skylight needs and begin your journey to a brighter, more inspiring living environment.

Enhance Your Home with Velux Skylights: Benefits, Styles, and Installation Tips

Velux Skylight

Velux skylights offer homeowners a solution to transform their living spaces by allowing the ingress of natural light and creating a brighter, more inviting atmosphere. As one of the most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, we have years of experience installing and maintaining top-quality Velux skylights. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key benefits of these high-quality skylights, the various styles available, and essential tips on proper installation and maintenance.

Velux skylights are known for their innovative designs, energy efficiency, and exceptional craftsmanship. They can significantly enhance the visual appeal and overall ambiance of your home, making it stand out from the rest. Installing a Velux skylight not only increases the amount of natural light entering your home but can also provide energy-saving benefits through improved insulation and passive solar heating. Additionally, these premium skylights can increase ventilation, freshness, and overall indoor air quality, making your living spaces healthier and more enjoyable.

Available in a wide range of styles, sizes, and configurations, Velux skylights cater to various architectural designs and homeowner preferences. Whether you’re considering a fixed skylight for a visually stunning light well or a vented option for enhanced airflow, there’s a Velux skylight tailored to your needs. Furthermore, Velux offers additional features, such as built-in blinds and remote-controlled operation, to customize your skylight experience further.

Key Benefits of Velux Skylights

Velux skylights provide numerous advantages for homeowners, from aesthetics to energy efficiency. Here are some of the top reasons to consider installing one in your home:

1. Natural Light: Velux skylights increase the amount of natural light entering your home, resulting in a brighter, more welcoming atmosphere.

2. Energy Efficiency: With improved insulation and passive solar heating capabilities, Velux skylights can help lower your energy bills and reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

3. Ventilation: Certain Velux skylight designs allow for increased airflow, creating a fresher and healthier living environment.

4. Enhanced Visual Appeal: Skylights can add a stunning architectural feature to your home, increasing its overall aesthetic appeal.

5. Increased Property Value: A well-designed and professionally installed Velux skylight can boost your home’s resale value.

Styles and Options Available

There are a variety of Velux skylight styles available to cater to different architectural designs and preferences. Some of the most popular options include:

1. Fixed Skylights: These non-opening skylights are designed for maximum light transmission, creating an impressive visual impact without requiring additional ventilation.

2. Vented Skylights: Also known as “roof windows,” these skylights can be opened to provide increased airflow and ventilation in your home. They can be manually operated, electrically powered, or solar-powered, depending on your preference and budget.

3. Sun Tunnel Skylights: A unique, tubular design that allows natural light to reach areas of your home that traditional skylights cannot. Ideal for hallways, closets, and other smaller spaces.

4. Balcony Roof Windows: A versatile option that transforms from a rooftop window into a balcony within seconds, providing extra outdoor living space in addition to bringing in natural light.

5. Custom Skylights: Velux also offers custom-designed skylights to suit unique architectural features and design requirements.

Proper Installation Tips

Follow these essential tips to ensure the successful installation of your Velux skylight:

1. Choose the Right Location: Select an optimal location for your skylight that provides maximum sunlight exposure while avoiding potential obstacles such as trees, power lines, or other structures.

2. Hire a Professional: Work with a reputable and experienced contractor to ensure expert installation in accordance with Velux guidelines and local building codes.

3. Proper Flashing: Ensure watertight installation by using Velux-approved flashing kits that are specifically designed for your skylight and roof type.

4. Insulation: Adequate insulation around the skylight minimizes heat loss and ensures energy efficiency.

5. Test for Leaks: After installation, perform a thorough inspection to identify and address any potential leaks before they become a problem.

Maintenance Best Practices

Following a regular maintenance routine helps to ensure your Velux skylight remains in optimal condition:

1. Glass Cleaning: Clean the exterior and interior glass surfaces of your skylight using mild soap and water, or a specialized glass cleaner.

2. Inspect the Seal: Perform regular checks on the skylight seal to ensure it remains in good condition and effectively prevents water intrusion.

3. Monitor Ventilation Components: Inspect and lubricate the ventilation components of vented skylights to maintain smooth operation.

4. Replace Damaged Components: Be vigilant about repairing or replacing any damaged or deteriorated components as soon as possible to prevent further issues.


Velux skylights offer an exceptional addition to your living spaces, providing natural light, energy efficiency, ventilation, and architectural appeal. By selecting the right style, ensuring proper installation, and following maintenance best practices, you can enjoy the numerous benefits these premium skylights deliver for years to come.

As the leading residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, our team of experienced professionals can guide you through every step of the Velux skylight process, from selection and installation to ongoing maintenance. Get in touch with our roofing contractors in New Hampshire today to discuss how we can help you enhance your home with a top-quality Velux skylight solution tailored to your needs.

Experience the Beauty and Comfort of Velux Skylights in Your Home

Velux skyliights

Installing skylights in your home can drastically improve the aesthetic and overall living experience. Velux Skylights, in particular, have gained significant acclaim, offering homeowners an excellent opportunity to fill their interiors with natural light while minimizing energy costs.

As the leading residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, J. Carnes & Son Roofing has extensive experience installing and servicing Velux Skylights, ensuring that your home benefits from both beauty and practicality.

Velux Skylights offer a range of design options, including fixed, manual, and solar-powered models, that suit various architectural styles and preferences. By incorporating genuine Velux products into your design, you have access to innovative solutions that maximize energy efficiency without compromising on style.

In this blog, we will explore the many advantages of adding Velux Skylights to your home and discuss the different styles and configurations available. Additionally, we’ll cover the importance of professional installation to ensure the best possible performance, and provide tips on how to keep your skylights well-maintained.

Benefits of Velux Skylights in Your Home

Velux Skylights offer numerous advantages that make them an ideal addition to any residential property. Here are some of the top benefits of installing these innovative skylights in your home:

1. Natural Light: Velux Skylights bathe your living spaces in beautiful, natural sunlight, which creates a warm atmosphere, reduces the need for artificial lighting, and may even boost your mood.

2. Energy Efficiency: With advanced features like energy-efficient glass, Velux Skylights help trap heat inside during winter months and minimize heat gain during the summer, ultimately reducing your energy consumption and utility costs.

3. Improved Ventilation: Manual and solar-powered Velux Skylights can be opened to allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home, reducing the need for air conditioning and promoting a healthier, more comfortable living environment.

4. Enhanced Aesthetics: Velux Skylights add architectural and visual interest to your home’s interior and exterior, contributing to increased home value and curb appeal.

Styles and Configurations of Velux Skylights

Velux Skylights are available in a diverse range of styles and configurations to suit any home design or aesthetic preference. Some popular options include:

1. Fixed Skylights: Ideal for rooms or spaces where additional ventilation is not required, fixed Velux Skylights allow natural light to enter while remaining permanently sealed.

2. Manual Venting Skylights: These skylights can be opened and closed manually with a control rod, providing a source for fresh air and improved indoor air quality.

3. Solar-Powered Venting Skylights: Equipped with solar panels, these skylights open and close with a remote control and recharge themselves using solar energy, making them an environmentally friendly option.

4. Roof Windows: These larger Velux Skylights are designed for in-reach applications, often found in attic spaces or loft conversions. They provide a means of escape in case of emergency and allow for more natural light to flood the space below.

Professional Installation and Maintenance of Velux Skylights

To ensure the best performance and longevity of your Velux Skylights, it’s crucial to rely on professional installation and maintenance services:

1. Expert Guidance: The experienced team at J. Carnes & Son Roofing can help you choose the best Velux Skylight for your unique needs and preferences, ensuring that the final product aligns with both your home’s design and your energy efficiency goals.

2. Precision Installation: Our skilled technicians will carefully install your new Velux Skylights, guaranteeing a secure seal against leaks and an ideal position for optimal light exposure.

3. Routine Maintenance: Proper maintenance is vital for preserving the integrity and functionality of your Velux Skylights. Scheduling regular inspections and cleaning with J. Carnes & Son Roofing will prevent potential problems and ensure your skylights remain in top condition for years to come.

Innovative Velux Skylight Accessories

The versatility of Velux Skylights allows homeowners to customize their skylights with a variety of innovative accessories:

1. Solar-Powered Blinds: These blinds provide efficient light control, can be operated remotely, and recharge themselves using solar energy.

2. Manual Blinds: Choose from roller, Venetian, or pleated blinds to adjust the level of sunlight and privacy in your living spaces.

3. Insect Screens: Keep pesky insects at bay while still enjoying the fresh air with Velux insect screens, ideal for use with either manual or solar-powered venting skylights.

4. Flashing Kits: Velux flashing kits ensure a watertight seal and are designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing roofing materials, preserving both aesthetics and functionality.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating Velux Skylights into your home offers a wealth of benefits, including enhanced natural light, increased energy efficiency, and improved ventilation. With a broad range of styles, configurations, and accessories to suit any design preference, Velux Skylights presents a flexible and effective solution for transforming your living spaces.

When you partner with J. Carnes & Son Roofing for your Velux Skylight installation and maintenance needs, your project is in expert hands. As the leading residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, we are committed to exceeding your expectations and ensuring that your Velux Skylights are a stylish, long-lasting, and functional addition to your home. Contact our skylight installation contractors today to discuss your requirements and discover the perfect Velux Skylight solution for your home!

Illuminate Your Home with Velux Skylights: Modernizing Your Residence with Natural Light and Energy Efficiency

Skylight roof

Natural light is an underrated yet crucial element in creating a dynamic and inviting home environment. Velux skylights are an innovative solution that provides a healthy dose of sunlight and fresh air, enhancing your home’s aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency. As the leading and most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, J. Carnes & Son Roofing takes pride in helping homeowners transform their living spaces with expert Velux skylight installation and maintenance services. In this blog post, we will delve into the compelling advantages of integrating Velux skylights into your home, discuss crucial factors to consider while choosing the right skylight, and provide essential tips for ensuring a successful installation and long-lasting benefits.

Transformative Benefits of Velux Skylights

Incorporating Velux skylights into your home can result in numerous advantages that enhance your living spaces:

1. Natural Light: Velux skylights allow sunlight to flood your home, promoting a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere, as well as reduced dependence on artificial lighting.

2. Ventilation and Air Quality: Skylights that can be opened, such as the Velux “Fresh Air” models, provide natural ventilation and encourage better air circulation, resulting in improved indoor air quality.

3. Energy Efficiency: By utilizing daylight and passive ventilation, Velux skylights can contribute to a reduced reliance on heating, cooling, and artificial lighting, potentially lowering energy costs.

4. Aesthetic Appeal: Skylights can be a striking design element, complementing various architectural styles and adding value to your home.

Choosing the Right Velux Skylight for Your Home

Velux offers a diverse range of skylight styles and features, allowing you to select the option that best suits your requirements, design preferences, and budget considerations. Here are some essential factors to consider:

1. Purpose: Establish the primary purpose of integrating a skylight into your home. For instance, if maximizing natural light is your primary goal, a fixed skylight may be an optimal choice. If ventilation is a priority, consider the solar-powered “Fresh Air” skylight.

2. Roof Compatibility: Analyze your roof’s structure, pitch, and materials to determine the most compatible skylight. Consulting with a trusted professional, such as J. Carnes & Son Roofing, can ensure the proper selection and installation of your skylight.

3. Size and Placement: Skylight size and positioning play a critical role in achieving the desired amount of natural light and ventilation. Larger skylights increase daylight but may affect your room’s interior design. A professional contractor can assist you in determining the ideal size and location for your Velux skylight.

4. Glazing and Energy Efficiency: Velux skylights offer various glazing options designed to meet specific thermal, light control, and safety requirements. Choose a glazing type that fits your climate and energy efficiency goals, such as double-pane or laminated glass.

Velux Skylight Installation Tips and Best Practices

Ensuring a successful Velux skylight installation is essential for maximizing its benefits and longevity. These expert tips can help:

1. Hire a Reputable Contractor: A skilled and experienced contractor, like J. Carnes & Son Roofing, can guarantee the proper selection, installation, and future maintenance of your Velux skylight.

2. Roof Integrity: Have your roofing contractor evaluate your roof’s structural integrity before the installation to identify and address potential issues.

3. Proper Flashing: Correctly installed flashing is crucial in directing water away from the skylight and preventing leaks. A professional contractor can ensure a weather-tight seal around your Velux skylight.

4. Interior Finish: The finishing touches on your interior surrounding the skylight can significantly impact daylight distribution and aesthetic appeal. Consult with your contractor about customizing the skylight’s interior to match your room’s design.

Maintaining Your Velux Skylight for Optimal Performance

Regular maintenance is crucial to preserving the beauty, functionality, and longevity of your Velux skylight. Follow these maintenance guidelines:

1. Cleaning: Keep your skylight clean to ensure maximum light transmission and clarity. Consult the Velux manual for cleaning recommendations specific to your model.

2. Inspections: Schedule periodic inspections with a professional contractor to identify potential issues before they worsen, potentially prolonging the life of your skylight.

3. Weather Protection: Monitor your skylight during severe weather conditions, such as heavy snow or rainstorms, to detect any leaks or damage. Contact your contractor for prompt repairs if necessary.

4. Warranty and Support: Familiarize yourself with the warranty coverage offered by Velux for your specific skylight model and follow the recommended maintenance procedures to maximize the product’s lifespan.


Velux skylights possess the power to revolutionize your living spaces, bringing natural light, fresh air, and an undeniable charm to your home. With careful consideration of the right style, features, and professional installation, you can enjoy all the benefits Velux skylights have to offer. Contact the experienced Velux skylight installer at J. Carnes & Son Roofing today to discuss your needs and embark on a transformative journey toward achieving a more vibrant, energy-efficient, and stylish home.

Velux Skylights: Illuminating Your Home with Natural Light and Energy Efficiency


Natural light plays a vital role in enhancing the ambiance, comfort, and energy efficiency of a home. Velux, a leading manufacturer of high-quality skylights, offers a wide range of innovative solutions to bring the benefits of daylight, fresh air, and energy efficiency into your living spaces. 

As the leading and most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, J. Carnes & Son Roofing specializes in helping homeowners select and install the perfect Velux skylight based on their needs, preferences, and the architectural style of their home.

In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages of Velux skylights, explore various types and features, and share valuable tips and insights for selecting a skilled contractor for seamless skylight installation and ensuring lasting performance.

Benefits of Velux Skylights

Velux skylights offer numerous advantages for homeowners looking to enhance the comfort, ambience, and energy efficiency of their living spaces:

1. Natural Light: Velux skylights introduce abundant natural light into your home, making darker spaces feel brighter, more spacious, and welcoming while also promoting better sleep by regulating your body’s circadian rhythm.

2. Fresh Air: Many Velux skylights offer ventilation features that allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home, promoting a healthier indoor environment and reducing the reliance on artificial air conditioning systems.

3. Energy Efficiency: Velux’s energy-efficient technologies, such as double-paned glass, solar-powered blinds, and advanced sealing systems, contribute to reduced energy consumption, lower heating and cooling costs, and minimized carbon footprint.

4. Increased Home Value: Velux skylights can enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal and overall value, making it a practical and visually pleasing home improvement investment.

Types and Features of Velux Skylights

Velux offers various types and features of skylights to suit different preferences, needs, and architectural styles:

1. Fixed Skylights: Fixed skylights provide an unobstructed view of the sky and consistent natural light, making them ideal for spaces where additional ventilation is not a top priority. Their sealed design also ensures excellent energy efficiency and weather resistance.

2. Ventilated Skylights: Ventilated skylights can be opened manually or through a remote control, allowing fresh air to circulate throughout your home and providing an effective means to release excess heat and humidity, thus promoting indoor comfort and air quality.

3. Solar-Powered Skylights: Velux’s solar-powered skylights utilize solar energy to power a built-in battery for opening and closing the skylight, reducing electricity consumption and maintenance costs. Some solar-powered skylights also feature rain sensors, automatically closing the skylight in case of inclement weather.

4. Roof Windows: Roof windows, while providing similar benefits to traditional skylights, are designed for easier access and cleaning due to their larger sizes and operability, making them ideal for lofts or rooms with limited wall space for traditional windows.

Selecting a Reputable Installer and Ensuring Skylight Longevity

Ensure a successful Velux skylight installation and enduring performance with these essential tips:

1. Experienced Contractor: Choose a reputable, skilled contractor like J. Carnes & Son Roofing, specializing in Velux skylight installation and maintenance, for a precise and efficient installation suited to your home’s specific needs and aesthetic preferences.

2. Proper Planning: Collaborate with your contractor to assess the best location, size, and type of Velux skylight to achieve maximum natural light and energy efficiency while considering factors such as the slope of your roof, local climate, and the structural integrity of your home.

3. Quality Materials: Opt for high-quality Velux skylights that meet stringent performance and durability standards, ensuring long-lasting performance and weather resistance.

4. Regular Inspections: Schedule periodic skylight inspections with your contractor to identify and address potential issues, such as leaks or wear and tear, before they escalate into costly repairs or replacements.

5. Preventative Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance on your Velux skylight, such as cleaning the glass, resealing the flashing as needed, and monitoring for any changes in performance to maintain its efficiency and longevity.

Final Thoughts

Velux skylights offer an excellent solution for homeowners seeking to enhance the beauty and comfort of their living spaces with abundant natural light, fresh air, and energy efficiency. By understanding the benefits, types, and expert guidance on selecting a skilled contractor like J. Carnes & Son Roofing, you can ensure a successful skylight installation and enjoy years of bright, well-ventilated, and energy-efficient living.
Contact our team of professional Velux skylight installers today to discuss your needs and transform your home with a stunning, functional, and energy-saving addition backed by J. Carnes & Son Roofing’s expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Illuminate and Ventilate Your Home with VELUX Skylights

VELUX Skylights

Natural lighting and proper ventilation play essential roles in maintaining a comfortable, healthy, and energy-efficient home. VELUX skylights offer an elegant and functional solution for introducing more natural light and fresh air into your living spaces, improving your home’s ambiance, and reducing your reliance on artificial lighting and cooling systems.

As the leading and most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, J. Carnes & Son Roofing specializes in skylight consultation, installation, and repair, ensuring you can maximize the benefits of VELUX skylights in your home.

In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages of installing VELUX skylights, explore the different types and features available, and share valuable tips for selecting a reputable contractor and ensuring a successful installation.

VELUX skylights enhance your home’s interior by providing natural light, which can impact mood, reduce energy costs, and create the illusion of larger spaces. Additionally, VELUX’s roof windows offer ventilation solutions to improve indoor air quality by allowing fresh air to circulate throughout your home.

Partnering with a team of professionals like J. Carnes & Son Roofing to help you choose the ideal VELUX skylight configuration for your needs and conduct a flawless installation will enable you to enjoy the numerous benefits of these high-quality skylights for years to come.

In the following sections, we will delve into the unique advantages of VELUX skylights, the various types and features to consider, and offer expert advice on partnering with a skilled contractor for a successful skylight installation.

Benefits of VELUX Skylights for Your Home

Installing VELUX skylights in your home offers numerous advantages, such as:

  • Natural Lighting: VELUX skylights provide an abundance of natural light, improving your home’s ambiance, reducing the need for artificial lighting, and potentially lowering energy costs.
  • Ventilation: VELUX’s roof windows allow for better airflow and circulation, leading to improved indoor air quality, reduced humidity, and decreased reliance on air conditioning systems.
  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Many VELUX skylights feature energy-efficient glazing options, helping to regulate indoor temperatures, retain heat during winter, and reflect unwanted heat during summer.
  • Increased Home Value: Skylights enhance your home’s aesthetics and functionality, making it more appealing to potential buyers and potentially increasing its resale value.

Types of VELUX Skylights

VELUX offers various skylight types and features to suit different needs and preferences, including:

  • Fixed Skylights: Ideal for spaces where added ventilation is not necessary, fixed skylights focus solely on brightening your rooms with natural light. These skylights are energy-efficient and less expensive compared to vented options.
  • Vented Skylights: Available in manual or electric models, vented skylights offer both natural lighting and fresh air circulation. Electric vented skylights often include remote control operation and rain sensors for easy use and automatic closure during rain.
  • Solar-Powered Skylights: Harnessing solar energy to power their electric controls, these skylights provide an eco-friendly lighting and ventilation solution and may qualify for tax credits.
  • Roof Windows: Designed for in-reach applications, such as lofts or attics, roof windows allow for both lighting and ventilation while providing an exit point in case of emergencies.

VELUX Skylight Installation Considerations

Partner with an experienced contractor and follow these skylight installation guidelines to ensure a successful project:

  • Determining Needs: Identify the specific purposes and objectives for your VELUX skylight, such as increasing natural light or improving ventilation, to narrow down your options.
  • Positioning: Your contractor should analyze your home’s structure, roof type, and sun path to determine the ideal locations for skylight installation, balancing efficiency and aesthetics.
  • Proper Sealing and Flashing: Ensure your contractor uses appropriate sealing and flashing techniques to prevent leaks and water damage. VELUX offers specially designed flashing systems compatible with various roofing materials.
  • Energy Efficiency: Select VELUX skylights featuring energy-efficient glazing, coatings, and gas fills to maximize thermal performance and minimize heat transfer.

Maintaining Your VELUX Skylights

Regular inspections and upkeep help prolong the life and performance of your VELUX skylights:

  • Cleaning: Periodically clean the glass surfaces of your skylights, both inside and out, to maintain their clarity and brightness. Adhere to VELUX’s recommended cleaning practices to avoid damage.
  • Inspect for Leaks or Damage: Regularly examine your skylights for signs of damage, such as leaks, cracks, or sealant failure. Address any issues promptly to prevent further problems and ensure your skylights’ continued performance.
  • Inspect Flashing and Seals: Examine the flashing and seals around your skylights to ensure they remain intact, and repair or replace damaged components as needed.
  • Regular Roof Maintenance: Proper roof maintenance, including gutter cleaning and debris removal, can prevent issues, such as leaks or damage, that may impact your skylights.


VELUX skylights present a stylish and functional solution for introducing natural light and fresh air into your home, while enhancing its energy efficiency, comfort, and value. By understanding the benefits of VELUX skylights, exploring the diverse types and features, and partnering with a trusted contractor like J. Carnes & Son Roofing, you can guarantee proper skylight installation and long-lasting performance. Contact our team of professionals today to discuss your skylight needs and illuminate your living spaces with the brilliance and comfort of VELUX skylights.

Are you looking to brighten and ventilate your home? Look no further than J. Carnes & Son Roofing! Our team of expert installers specializes in VELUX skylights, offering a range of options to suit any home. With our help, you can enjoy natural light and fresh air in any room of your house. Don’t wait – contact us today to learn more about our VELUX skylight installation services!

Illuminate Your Home with Velux Skylights: Benefits, Options, and Installation Insights

Velux Skylight

Natural light can significantly impact the comfort, aesthetics, and energy efficiency of your home. Velux skylights, renowned for their high-quality design and performance, are an excellent solution for homeowners seeking to improve their living spaces with an abundance of natural light, fresh air, and enhanced energy efficiency. As the leading and most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, J. Carnes & Son Roofing specializes in guiding homeowners on the best skylight options for their homes, providing professional installation, repair, and maintenance services. 

Velux skylights are designed to transform your home, bringing natural light and fresh air into your living spaces while providing energy-saving benefits. In the following sections, we will explore the specific benefits of Velux skylights, examine the available styles and features, and provide expert guidance on collaborating with a skilled contractor for a successful skylight installation and maintaining your Velux skylight solution for years to come.

Benefits of Velux Skylights

Velux skylights offer numerous advantages for homeowners looking to elevate their living spaces:

1. Natural Lighting: Skylights bring an abundance of natural light into your home, brightening interior spaces and enhancing room aesthetics. The additional light can improve mood, reduce eye strain, and create a more inviting atmosphere.

2. Energy Efficiency: By harnessing daylight, Velux skylights can reduce your reliance on artificial lighting, lowering energy consumption and utility bills. Some Velux skylights also provide passive solar heating, capturing sunlight to warm your home during colder months, resulting in further energy savings.

3. Fresh Air and Ventilation: Opening skylights facilitate natural ventilation and air circulation, helping to regulate indoor temperatures, reduce humidity levels, and improve air quality by removing stale air and odors.

4. Architectural Appeal: Skylights can enhance your home’s architectural appeal, adding a unique and attractive design element both inside and on the exterior.

Styles and Features of Velux Skylights

Velux skylights are available in various styles and options, catering to different preferences, requirements, and budgets:

1. Fixed Skylights: Ideal for spaces where additional light is desired without the need for ventilation, fixed skylights provide a simple, energy-efficient solution for introducing natural light into your home.

2. Ventilated Skylights: These skylights can be opened manually or via remote control to facilitate fresh air and ventilation, ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, or any area where improved air circulation is desired.

3. Solar-Powered Skylights: Equipped with solar panels, these skylights harness sunlight to power their opening and closing mechanism, reducing energy consumption and offering an eco-friendly option for homeowners.

4. Roof Windows: More extensive and accessible than traditional skylights, roof windows can serve as additional egress points or facilitate rooftop access while still providing the benefits of natural light and ventilation.

5. Customization Options: Velux skylights come with various glazing, shading, and control options, allowing homeowners to tailor the appearance and functionality to suit their needs and preferences.

Choosing a Reputable Installer and Ensuring Skylight Longevity

Ensure a successful Velux skylight installation and long-lasting performance with these essential tips:

1. Experienced Contractor: Select a reputable and skilled contractor like J. Carnes & Son Roofing, specializing in skylight installation and maintenance, to guarantee a precise and efficient installation compatible with your roofing system.

2. Quality Materials: Trust Velux, a reputable skylight manufacturer known for its high-quality and durable products that meet rigorous performance and safety standards.

3. Proper Flashing and Sealing: Your contractor should ensure adequate flashing and sealing to prevent water leaks, maintain your roof’s structural integrity, and avoid potential damage or costly repairs.

4. Regular Skylight Inspections: Schedule periodic inspections with your contractor to identify and address any potential issues, such as damaged seals, cracked glass, or worn weather-stripping, before they escalate into costly repairs.

5. Maintenance and Cleaning: Keep your Velux skylight looking and functioning at its best by performing routine maintenance, such as cleaning glass surfaces, inspecting seals, and lubricating hinges and hardware if necessary.


Velux skylights are an excellent solution for homeowners seeking to infuse their living spaces with natural light, fresh air, and improved energy efficiency. By understanding the benefits and various options associated with Velux skylights, collaborating with an experienced contractor like J. Carnes & Son Roofing, and performing routine maintenance, you can ensure a seamless skylight installation and enjoy years of enhanced comfort, beauty, and sustainability in your home.
Contact our team of professional roofers in Newton today to discuss your Velux skylight needs and transform your living spaces with a bright, inviting, and energy-efficient solution that elevates both the form and function of your home.

Illuminate Your Home with Velux Skylights: Features, Benefits & Installation


Skylights provide an elegant, functional solution for bringing natural light and fresh air into your home, transforming the ambiance of your living space. Velux Skylights, renowned for their quality and innovation, have become the industry standard homeowners can trust with their natural lighting and ventilation needs. As the leading and most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine, J. Carnes & Son Roofing specializes in the installation and maintenance of Velux Skylights, ensuring your home receives the benefits of these remarkable products.

Velux Skylights offer exceptional energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, and an aesthetically pleasing design for your home. With a wide range of options, including solar-powered and manual options as well as fixed and vented variants, Velux Skylights cater to your specific needs and preferences. Additionally, Velux’s commitment to quality and innovation ensures you enjoy a superior skylight experience that enhances the overall value of your property.

In this article, we will explore the various features and benefits of Velux Skylights, discuss their energy-efficient and innovative designs, and outline the importance of professional installation and maintenance for optimal skylight performance. With a thorough understanding of Velux Skylights and the expertise of J. Carnes & Son Roofing, you can confidently enhance your home with the stunning effects of natural light and ventilation.

Features of Velux Skylights

Velux Skylights are designed with a range of features to meet your specific needs and preferences. These features ensure maximum functionality and seamless integration with your home. Some of the key attributes of Velux Skylights include the following:

1. Energy Efficiency: Velux Skylights are Energy Star certified, offering superior energy efficiency to reduce your heating and cooling costs. The skylights feature double-paned, Low-E glass that minimizes heat gain in the summer and heat loss in the winter, optimizing the comfort of your living space.

2. Intelligent Design: Velux offers several types of skylights, including fixed and vented options. Fixed models provide maximum daylight exposure, while vented skylights can be opened to allow fresh air into your home, promoting natural ventilation and reducing the need for air conditioning.

3. Solar-Powered Options: For an eco-friendly choice, Velux offers solar-powered skylights featuring built-in solar panels that harness energy from the sun to operate the skylight’s opening and closing mechanism. This option is eligible for a federal tax credit, making it an attractive and cost-effective choice for homeowners.

4. Rain Sensors and Remote Control: Select Velux Skylights come equipped with rain sensors that automatically close the skylight in the event of inclement weather. Additionally, remote-controlled skylights make it easy to control the opening and closing of your skylight from anywhere in your home.

Benefits of Velux Skylights

Installing Velux Skylights in your home offers numerous advantages that enhance the comfort and value of your property. Some of the key benefits include the following:

1. Natural Light: Skylights allow an abundance of natural light to flood into your home, brightening your living space and boosting your mood. This natural illumination can also help reduce your dependency on artificial lighting, lowering your energy consumption.

2. Improved Ventilation: Vented skylights allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home, improving indoor air quality and reducing humidity. By promoting natural ventilation, you can reduce the need for air conditioning and decrease your energy costs.

3. Enhanced Aesthetics: Velux Skylights not only provide functional benefits but also add a touch of elegance and style to your home. Skylights create a sense of spaciousness, making rooms feel larger and more inviting.

4. Increased Property Value: A well-designed and properly installed skylight can enhance the overall value of your home. Potential buyers are often drawn to the inviting ambiance created by skylights, making this feature an attractive selling point.

Professionally Installing Your Velux Skylight

A key aspect of maximizing the benefits of your Velux Skylight is ensuring a proper installation by a professional. An experienced installer from a reliable company like J. Carnes & Son Roofing will do the following:

1. Assess Your Home’s Structure: Your roofing expert will evaluate your home’s framework, checking for structural integrity and identifying any potential issues. This step ensures the proper placement and support for your skylight, minimizing the risk of damage or leakage.

2. Recommend the Right Skylight: With a wealth of experience, your installer will help you choose the best Velux Skylight for your home’s design, structure, and personal preferences. This ensures optimal performance and satisfaction with your skylight investment.

3. Provide Weather-Tight Installation: Professional installation is crucial for ensuring your skylight remains weather-tight and leak-free. Your installer will utilize quality flashing and sealing techniques to achieve a secure and durable installation.

4. Ensure Guaranteed Work: A reputable company like J. Carnes & Son Roofing will stand behind their work with warranties and guarantees for both materials and labor. This added protection offers peace of mind and ensures longevity for your Velux Skylight.

Maintaining Your Velux Skylight

Regular maintenance is essential for ensuring the long-term performance and durability of your Velux Skylight. J. Carnes & Son Roofing provides professional maintenance services, including the following:

1. Regular Inspections: Annual skylight inspections identify any potential issues early on, allowing for timely repairs or replacements when necessary.

2. Glass and Seal Maintenance: Your installer will check the glass and seals for any signs of wear or damage, ensuring your skylight remains energy-efficient and leak-free.

3. Maintaining Mechanical Components: For vented skylights, your installer will ensure that the mechanical components are functioning properly and prescribe any necessary repairs or replacements.


Velux Skylights are an exceptional investment for homeowners seeking to improve their home’s comfort, energy efficiency, and overall value. These skylights provide numerous benefits and features that cater to individual preferences and needs. By partnering with J. Carnes & Son Roofing for your professional installation and maintenance, you can confidently enjoy the stunning effects of natural light and fresh air in your home for years to come. 

Trust the leading and most trusted residential roofing contractor in New Hampshire and Southern Maine to illuminate your living space with superior quality Velux Skylights. Contact us today to discuss your options with an expert skylight contractor!