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6 Signs That Your Roofing Estimate Could Be a Potential Scam


Replacing or repairing a roof constitutes a substantial financial commitment for any individual who owns a residential property. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous contractors exploit this by presenting overpriced and potentially fraudulent roofing estimates.

As a homeowner, it’s essential to be aware of the common warning signs of a roofing estimate scam to avoid falling victim to such schemes. Learn the six indicators that your roofing estimate may be a scam to protect yourself and your investment.

1. Unusually Low Estimate

If a contractor provides you with an unusually low estimate for your roofing project, it may be a warning sign that they are trying to scam you. 

A standard estimate may seem like a great deal, but it could be a tactic used by dishonest contractors to get you to sign a contract. Later, they may add additional costs or change the scope of work to increase the project’s price.

2. Pressure to Sign a Contract Immediately

Exercising prudence is imperative when a roofing contractor attempts to coerce you into promptly signing a contractual agreement. This kind of pressure is a warning sign that the roofing estimate you received might be a possible scam. 

A legitimate roofing contractor will give you reasonable time to review and consider the estimate before deciding. Fraudulent individuals employ coercive sales strategies to elicit consent to their conditions without allowing you to think or compare estimates with other contractors. 

Therefore, taking your time, carefully reading through the estimate, and asking any questions before signing a contract is crucial.

3. No Written Estimate

A written estimate is an essential document that outlines the scope of work, materials used, and the project’s cost. If a contractor does not provide a written estimate, it may be a warning sign that they are trying to scam you. 

Holding contractors accountable for their work and the project’s cost is only possible with a written estimate.

4. Lack of Licensing and Insurance

A reputable roofing contractor should have the licenses and insurance to operate legally and protect themselves and their clients in case of any accidents or damages. If a roofing contractor cannot provide proof, it’s best to avoid them and look for a more trustworthy and reliable option.

Having proper licensing and insurance assures the contractor is qualified and experienced enough to do the job and may not stand behind their work if something goes wrong.

5. No References or Reviews

When getting a roofing estimate, it’s essential to be cautious and do your due diligence. One warning sign that should raise a red flag is if it excludes references or reviews. These proofs are necessary to know whether the company has completed similar projects in the past.

6. Upfront Payment

Reputable roofing contractors generally do not require upfront payments before commencing work on a project. If a contractor asks for payment upfront, it is a red flag that the estimate may be a scam. 

This type of contractor may take the money and never return to do the work, or they may do substandard work and then request additional payment before completing the job. Selecting a reliable roofing contractor is imperative to prevent becoming a target of fraudulent activity. 


Undertaking a roofing project entails a substantial financial commitment, and it is essential to ensure that you hire a reputable contractor. By recognizing the cautionary indicators, you can protect yourself from roofing scams and hire a trustworthy contractor for your home.Are you looking for free estimate roofers? Check out J. Carnes & Son Roofing! We are here to provide top-quality roofing services, from repairs to installations. Don’t let a leaky roof ruin your day – call us now for a free estimate, and let us take care of all your roofing needs!